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ICON Workshop > Invited speakers
Invited speakers
B. Alloing, CRHEA, specialist in nanowire fabrication to develop optogenetic set-ups
Rob Arkowitz, iBV, cell biologist, specialist in recording bio-physical properties of fungi
Silvia Caponi, CNR-IOM, biophysicist
Franck Debarbieux, bio-physicist and neurobiologist specialist in non-linear microscopy
M. Delarue, (LAAS-CNRS), CNRS bronze medal, specialist in spatial confinement and cell proliferation under pressure
B. Dussardier, INPHYNI, specialist in designing optical fibers and Raman spectroscopy (TeamPhotonique)
Haogang Cai, Department of Radiology at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, USA
Thomas Mangeat, CBI, Toulouse, biophotonics engineering
Igor Meglinski, Aston U., biophysicist
Xavier Noblin, INPHYNI, specialist in plant biophysics and microfluidics (Team MMIC, Microfluidique,physIco-chiMie et bIologie aux interfaCes)
Martin Oheim, SPPIN Paris, neurobiologist, specialist in bio-physics and microscopy of the brain
Adi Salomon, Chemistry Department at Bar-Ilan University, biophysicist specialist in interactionsbetween molecules and light at the nanoscale
Matteo Rauzi, iBV, biophysicist, specialist in imaging and recording tissue mechanical properties
Anne Santenac, Fresnel institute, Marseille
Alexandre Specht, Université de Strasbourg, specialist in the development of photo-activatable molecules , used in photopharmacology
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