Seminars call

Open Call for Seminar Proposals 
The ICON Focus Semester is pleased to announce an open call for seminar proposals. We invite colleagues from UniCA to propose seminars featuring speakers who will contribute to advancing knowledge and fostering interdisciplinary dialogue on the topics of ICON (see home webpage for details). Our goal is to provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange, bringing together experts and scientists across various fields to present, discuss, and broaden the understanding of ICON-related topics. 
Call Details
We seek proposals that:
  • Feature speakers with expertise in any of the ICON-related fields.
  • Ensure interdisciplinarity, making the seminar accessible to scientists from diverse research areas (such as life sciences, mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, ...).
  • Engage and connect researchers by promoting discussion and knowledge exchange across disciplines.
  • The seminar should be broadcasted to maximize accessibility via online video streaming. The host institution is responsible for the organization and operation of the videolink on a platform broadly accessible to colleagues. 
Proposal Requirements
Applicants are requested to submit the following details: 
  • Speaker Information
    • Name, affiliation, and area of expertise of the proposed speaker.
    • A brief biography (max 200 words).
  • Seminar Topic:
    • Title of the presentation.
    • Abstract (max 300 words) detailing how the topic relates to the ICON fields.
  • Proposed Dates:Suggest available dates for the seminar during the ICON Focus Semester period (January 6 – June 30, 2025).
  • Accessibility Plan:How the presentation will be structured to ensure accessibility to a broad scientific audience (interdisciplinary explanations, minimal use of jargon, etc.).
  • Video Broadcasting
    • Confirmation that the seminar will be video-broadcasted live to UniCA and ICON-affiliated colleagues.
    • Details on video streaming logistics (platform, technical support, etc.).
  • Contact Information:
    • Name and contact details of the applicant responsible for coordinating the seminar.
    • Name and contact of the logistics support person for the videoconference.


  • Proposal Submission Deadline: November15th, 2024
  • Seminar Period: January 6 – June 30, 2025

Submission Process

Please submit your proposals by mail All proposals will be evaluated based on their relevance to ICON, interdisciplinarity, and the ability to engage a broad academic audience.

Selection Criteria

Funding attribution will be decided by the organization committee on the following criteria:

  • Alignment of the proposed seminar with the ICON Focus Semester topics
  • Balance among the different disciplines which belong to ICON 
  • Scientific novelty and timeliness
  • Potential interest for a broad audience 
Contact : For further inquiries or clarification, please contact
Funding : Proposals not exceeding 1k€ per invitation will be given priority. 
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