Semester calls > Visting PhD students

Funding for Visiting PhD Students 

The ICON Focus Semester of UniCA, funded by the Academy 2, is excited to announce the Open Call for Funding to support 4 Visiting PhD Students. This funding opportunity is available to PhD students interested in undertaking a research visit in one of the research groups at UniCA collaborating on a project related to the ICON Focus Semester (see ICON webpage) for a duration of one to two months. These visits are intended to foster collaboration, facilitate knowledge exchange, and provide young investigators with valuable experience in their research field. 

Key Dates

  • Application Submission Opening: October 15th, 2024
  • Application Submission Deadline: December 1st, 2024
  • Notification of Funding Decisions: December 15th, 2024
  • Earliest Start Date for Research Visits: January 6, 2025
  • Latest End Date for Research Visits: June 30, 2025

Funding Overview

The funding is designed to support PhD students in gaining exposure to new research environments, accessing resources not available at their home institution, and establishing networks that can contribute to the advancement of their dissertation or other research projects. 

Grants can be used to cover: 

  • Travel costs (airfare, train, etc.)
  • Accommodation
  • Living expenses during the visit

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must fulfill the following criteria: 

  • Be currently enrolled in a PhD program.
  • Have completed at least one year of their PhD program by the time of the research visit.
  • Secure a confirmed research visit at one of the research groups at UniCA.
  • Submit a complete application

Application Requirements

Applicants must provide the following documents for consideration: 

  1. Completed Application Form : download ad fill: Fiche_mobilite_PhD_ICON_en.doc
  2. Research Visit Proposal (max. 3 pages):
    • Description of the research to be undertaken during the visit.
    • A scientific explanation of the collaborative research project, between the host group at UniCA and the PhD thesis supervisor, including a presentation of the benefits for both Institutions.
    • Explanation of how the visit contributes to the applicant’s PhD project and career development.
    • Proposed timeline and goals for the visit.
  3. Host Institution Letter of Invitation:  A letter signed by the Head of the Research Project (a UniCA permanent researcher) confirming the feasibility of the project and its alignment with the group’s research activities in the framework of a collaboration with the PhD supervisor of the visiting PhD studentThe writer will pledge all necessary academic supervision and material support, lab access, office space, computing and documentation facilities.
  4. Host Institution Letter of Acceptance:  A letter signed by the Director of the Research Institute in which the project will be carried out, specifically confirming the full support for the collaborative research project and to the visiting PhD student. 
  5. CV: A full academic CV, including a list of publications (if applicable) and research experience.
  6. Letter of Support: A letter from the applicant’s PhD supervisor endorsing the visit and explaining its relevance to the student's research.

Submission Process

Applications must be submitted electronically at :

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Relevance of the proposed visit to the student’s ongoing PhD research and collaborative projects with a group at UniCA.
  • Match with the goals of the ICON Focus Semester.
  • Clarity and feasibility of the research proposal.
  • Potential for the visit to contribute to knowledge exchange and collaboration.
  • Endorsement from the PhD supervisor and host institution.

Funding Conditions

  • The research visit must take place within the time frame of January 6, 2025, and June 30, 2025. 

  • Successful applicants will be required to electronically submit a final report (max. 3 pages) detailing the outcomes of the visit, due at the latest one month after the end of the stay, but no later than July 11 (midnight) for an end of the visit on June 30The submission will be sent within the deadline to:

  • The grant will amount, on the basis of actual expenses, to a maximum of 1.5k€ for the first month and 1k€ for the second month. For payment details contact 


Contact Information

For further information about the application process or funding details, please contact


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